Atom Insure

Affordable insurance service.

Technology: Reactjs, Axios, HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, PWA, Figma

Atom Insure offers an affordable and accessible insurance service for everyone in Africa, starting with Nigeria, by building a smart, simple and easy to understand insurance product.

I developed different parts of the Atom Insure platform, converting complex UI to web and mobile-ready application using Reactjs and integrating APIs from the backend team using Axios.

Progressive Web Application(PWA)

Atom target of making insurance service available to everyone in Africa led to the decision to have a mobile-first application as most of its user will access the platform with their phones. So I code the UI of a PWA that comprises an extensive and very intuitive onboarding flow and a user dashboard to purchase, file claims, add beneficiaries and monitor Policies.

Atom PWA

For Business

I also worked on the business-facing part of Atom for businesses to provide amazing insurance benefits for their Clients.

I built a web application that features onboarding and verification of a business, a wallet system and a dashboard to keep track of their number of clients and policies purchased or claimed.

Atom business