
...Our Market

Technology: HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Figma

Afiaanyi is an e-commerce marketplace targeted at the Easterners of Nigeria. Where businesses can upload their various products and users can come to make a purchase of goods of their choice.

I worked alongside another front-end developer. I converted the UI designs to a mobile responsive web application.

Seller's Dashboard

I worked on an extensive seller's dashboard, where businesses upload and manage products, manage orders and transactions.

I used chartjs to create a statistical graph for sellers to monitor order volume, sales rate and generate sales report. And a table to track order progress, from the creation of order to shipment and completion of the order.

Afiaanyi seller

Admin's Dashboard

I converted the UI of the admin's dashboard into HTML and CSS, where the platform's admin manages all activities on the Afiaanyi platform.

Actions such as creating business categories, managing businesses and top brands, and also, adding of products, managing orders and shippments on the e-commerce platform.

Afiaanyi Admin